Seaborne Agencies & Consultants LTD ( SACL )


Incorporated since 1997, SEABORNE is Scott Shipping's Freeport-Licensed sister company. Administered under same roof, sharing same management and back-office services, SEABORNE brings competitive edges to our valued clientele. Your fish unloading operations, storage of catch, baits and spares; process of export documents and custom clearances; coordinating dry-docking and repairs; underwater survey & hull cleaning.


All in safe hands of a team with many decades' experience.


Looking for a Freeport agent in Port-Louis?  Choose the best offer now by e-mailing us or                                (Office Hours only 08:15 to 16 hr GMT + 4)

Scott Shipping Intl Ltd

Ground Floor IKS House, Marine Road, Port louis

Tel: (230) 216 30 42 or e-mail us